When all India was rocking on Ram Sethu Project, I have got something to say about Ram Sethu. Thats what this blog.
So Lets start with what it is meant to India...
India is a country that is formed out of British India after partition in 1947.
Since Its Independence, the country doesn't have a continuous coastline. i.e, To travel by Ships from west India to East India, the ship always have to take a longer route around another country(Srilanka).
If the Palk strait between India and srilanka was deep, Ships can take this shorter route.
Not only It helps India, all world countries would be benefitted. It would be shorter and safer route in the ocean, there by increasing trade.
so wat is required is to deepen the ocean between India and srilanka. That is what the sethu samuthram Project.
What it is meant for Hindu?
It was around 17,00,000 years ago, some time in tretha yuga, The God appeared in Man form as Rama.
Ravana, the King of Lanka, kidnapped Rama's wife to Lanka.
Rama with the alies of Vanara sena, built a bridge by throwing stones into the sea till srilanka.
That bridge was existing till now. but it was submerged under sea.
Nasa Pictures of the bridge clearly shows that the bridge was submerged in ocean.
The deepening ocean would mean demolishing the Hindu sanctity place.
Some Facts vs Fancy....
Nasa Predicts that age of the bridge is 17,50,000 years, that almost matches with Tretha Yuga.
But according to scientist, Human was evolved sometime around 30,000 years ago.So, where is the Tretha yuga?
Also, 17,00,000 years ago, the world map was completely different.
Historian.."Rameshwaram Temple records suggest the bridge was submerged by a violent storm as recently as 1480 AD"
Wikipedia says, the bridge was submerged some 10,000 years before due to wisconsin glaciation.
Anyway, its submerged. The bridge was not floating in the sea as Rama's Bridge.
One Asterologists says its a naturally made due to ocean current formed between dhanushkodi and srilanka.
another Asterologists says its man made.. he compares the sea corals in Andaman with that of Palk Strait.
Watever be it... it is useless for Man as of now and it was a blessing in disguise during Tsunami 2004.
According to a Rajaji, First Governor General of India ,"As per valmiki Ramayana, Rama has not crossed the Vindya Range in the Mid India"
Nehru in his book "Discovery of India" mentions "The Ramayana story is one of Aryan expansion to the South".
Two real concern about this project
Tsunami.. this bridge has prevented the tsunami effect by larger extent in 2004 tsunami.
Environmentalist .. This would affect the fishing in the local area.
Considering the real opposer, for the project, Hindu fundamentalist were the main blockade.
and as far as my observation on this discussion on Rediff.com http://www.rediff.com/news/2007/sep/12ram.htm
Basically, there is a two different kind of views on India about approval of this scheme.
1. Rest of Tamil Nadu, see it as clash between Hinduism vs Christianity...
They think Congress were against Hinduism and Sonia was trying to promote Christianity, so she does this to Hindu
2. In Tamil Nadu.. Its a clash between Hinduism vs Atheism(dravidian).
Being a Tamilian and has got a knowledge on Hinduism & dravidian concept, I take the side of Atheism.
Let assume God Theory, Rama has Built Adam's Bridge.
God created Earth for Man.
We are not living on it just like that.
We destroy nature and build houses for our welfare and comfort.
so does the Government do for the people.
Those who concerns would have to worry about earth and not about Ram Sethu, have to start living in forest.
Its a common sense to understand Ramayana & mahabharata were stories made out with references to real places.
Ramayana is like Chandramukhi movie. you'll love it when you see it for the first time.
You also find the logic goes missing in many scenes.
If someone watches it continuously for fifty day, then, his mind accepts to the story
and he would say that there is no flaw in the movie and
would also, preaches life principles from the movie. i.e, wat happening with Hinduism.
So what's my stand, I am not standing against or for the project, I believe in decision of India Government.
and in Bhagavad Gita.. ' Everything has happened or going to happen, will happen right '.
The Real Concern of SSCP
A blundered Called Sethu Samuthram
Ram Itself Dream - then How did Ramar Bridge?
No Evidence to prove Ram Sethu
Historian Ramayana
So Lets start with what it is meant to India...
India is a country that is formed out of British India after partition in 1947.
Since Its Independence, the country doesn't have a continuous coastline. i.e, To travel by Ships from west India to East India, the ship always have to take a longer route around another country(Srilanka).
If the Palk strait between India and srilanka was deep, Ships can take this shorter route.
Not only It helps India, all world countries would be benefitted. It would be shorter and safer route in the ocean, there by increasing trade.
so wat is required is to deepen the ocean between India and srilanka. That is what the sethu samuthram Project.
What it is meant for Hindu?
It was around 17,00,000 years ago, some time in tretha yuga, The God appeared in Man form as Rama.
Ravana, the King of Lanka, kidnapped Rama's wife to Lanka.
Rama with the alies of Vanara sena, built a bridge by throwing stones into the sea till srilanka.
That bridge was existing till now. but it was submerged under sea.
Nasa Pictures of the bridge clearly shows that the bridge was submerged in ocean.
The deepening ocean would mean demolishing the Hindu sanctity place.
Some Facts vs Fancy....
Nasa Predicts that age of the bridge is 17,50,000 years, that almost matches with Tretha Yuga.
But according to scientist, Human was evolved sometime around 30,000 years ago.So, where is the Tretha yuga?
Also, 17,00,000 years ago, the world map was completely different.
Historian.."Rameshwaram Temple records suggest the bridge was submerged by a violent storm as recently as 1480 AD"
Wikipedia says, the bridge was submerged some 10,000 years before due to wisconsin glaciation.
Anyway, its submerged. The bridge was not floating in the sea as Rama's Bridge.
One Asterologists says its a naturally made due to ocean current formed between dhanushkodi and srilanka.
another Asterologists says its man made.. he compares the sea corals in Andaman with that of Palk Strait.
Watever be it... it is useless for Man as of now and it was a blessing in disguise during Tsunami 2004.
According to a Rajaji, First Governor General of India ,"As per valmiki Ramayana, Rama has not crossed the Vindya Range in the Mid India"
Nehru in his book "Discovery of India" mentions "The Ramayana story is one of Aryan expansion to the South".
Two real concern about this project
Tsunami.. this bridge has prevented the tsunami effect by larger extent in 2004 tsunami.
Environmentalist .. This would affect the fishing in the local area.
Considering the real opposer, for the project, Hindu fundamentalist were the main blockade.
and as far as my observation on this discussion on Rediff.com http://www.rediff.com/news/2007/sep/12ram.htm
Basically, there is a two different kind of views on India about approval of this scheme.
1. Rest of Tamil Nadu, see it as clash between Hinduism vs Christianity...
They think Congress were against Hinduism and Sonia was trying to promote Christianity, so she does this to Hindu
2. In Tamil Nadu.. Its a clash between Hinduism vs Atheism(dravidian).
Being a Tamilian and has got a knowledge on Hinduism & dravidian concept, I take the side of Atheism.
Let assume God Theory, Rama has Built Adam's Bridge.
God created Earth for Man.
We are not living on it just like that.
We destroy nature and build houses for our welfare and comfort.
so does the Government do for the people.
Those who concerns would have to worry about earth and not about Ram Sethu, have to start living in forest.
Its a common sense to understand Ramayana & mahabharata were stories made out with references to real places.
Ramayana is like Chandramukhi movie. you'll love it when you see it for the first time.
You also find the logic goes missing in many scenes.
If someone watches it continuously for fifty day, then, his mind accepts to the story
and he would say that there is no flaw in the movie and
would also, preaches life principles from the movie. i.e, wat happening with Hinduism.
So what's my stand, I am not standing against or for the project, I believe in decision of India Government.
and in Bhagavad Gita.. ' Everything has happened or going to happen, will happen right '.
The Real Concern of SSCP
A blundered Called Sethu Samuthram
Ram Itself Dream - then How did Ramar Bridge?
No Evidence to prove Ram Sethu
Historian Ramayana